ProteSyn Turf Nutrition is a liquid concentrate designed for use on all fine turf areas such as golf courses, athletic playing fields, etc.
ProteSyn Turf Nutrition Nutrient Analysis:
- Total Nitrogen (N)
- 1.00% Ammoniacal Nitrogen
- 5.00% Urea Nitrogen 6.00%
- Available Phosphate (P2O5) 2.00%
- Soluble Potash (K2O) 3.00%
Derived from urea, ammonium phosphate, and potassium thiosulfate.
Information regarding the contents and levels of metals in this product is available on the Internet at http://www.aapfco.org/metals.html
Net Weight: 9.08 lb/gal (1.088 kg/L)
Professional Use Guidelines
ProteSyn Turf Nutrition Application
Apply with any equipment that delivers a fine, even spray mist to the target area utilizing 02-04 tips for a total spray volume of 20-40 gpa (200-350 L/ha). Do not water in. Wait at least 2 hours to irrigate. Where thatch exists and soil has been lightly spiked or where soil has a good infiltration rate, ProteSyn can be used effectively as a soil supplement. When utilized as a soil supplement, material should be watered into the upper root zone.
Rate Of Application:
Apply at the rate of 6-9 fl oz / 1000 sq ft (20-30 L/ha) as a foliar spray on the initial application. Maintenance applications at 3-6 fl oz / 1000 sq ft (10-20 L/ha) every 10-14 days are advised. Apply at the rate of 9-12 fl oz / 1000 sq ft (30-40 L/ha) for soil applications and repeat every 15-30 days.
ProteSyn is a tank mix compatible with many systemic fungicides, insecticides and nutrient solutions. Jar test when in doubt. For best mixing results, remove tank strainer prior to product addition.
Contact us today to find out more about ProteSyn Turf Nutrition and our full line of turf management products and equipment.